Creating OpenTuner Techniques

This tutorial will walk through the basics of adding a new search technique to OpenTuner. We will add the technique pattern search (see If you do not already have OpenTuner running on your system you should first do the initial setup.

Initial Version

Store the following file in opentuner/opentuner/search/, or in the directory for your project:

from import technique

class BasicPatternSearch(technique.SequentialSearchTechnique):
  def main_generator(self):

    objective   = self.objective
    driver      = self.driver
    manipulator = self.manipulator

    # start at a random position
    center = driver.get_configuration(manipulator.random())
    yield center

    # initial step size is arbitrary
    step_size = 0.1

    while True:
      points = list()
      for param in manipulator.parameters(
        if param.is_primitive():
          # get current value of param, scaled to be in range [0.0, 1.0]
          unit_value = param.get_unit_value(

          if unit_value > 0.0:
            # produce new config with param set step_size lower
            down_cfg = manipulator.copy(
            param.set_unit_value(down_cfg, max(0.0, unit_value - step_size))
            down_cfg = driver.get_configuration(down_cfg)
            yield down_cfg

          if unit_value < 1.0:
            # produce new config with param set step_size higher
            up_cfg = manipulator.copy(
            param.set_unit_value(up_cfg, min(1.0, unit_value + step_size))
            up_cfg = driver.get_configuration(up_cfg)
            yield up_cfg

      #sort points by quality, best point will be points[0], worst is points[-1]

      if[0], center):
        # we found a better point, move there
        center = points[0]
        # no better point, shrink the pattern
        step_size /= 2.0

# register our new technique in global list

Code explanation

Going through this example in some more detail:

  def main_generator(self):

The main_generator() is the central function for the SequentialSearchTechnique model (note there are some other technique models which support more parallelism in running tests). It should yield opentuner.resultsdb.models.Configuration objects, at which point the technique will block until results are ready for the yielded configuration.

    objective   = self.objective

The objective object (defined in opentuner/opentuner/search/ is used to compare configurations using a user defined quality metrics. It is typically an instance of MinimizeTime() which only looks at the time value of result objects, but may be something more complex such as ThresholdAccuracyMinimizeTime().

    driver      = self.driver

The search driver object (defined in opentuner/opentuner/search/ is used for interacting with the results database. It can be used to query results both for configurations requested by this technique and other techniques.

    manipulator = self.manipulator

The configuration manipulator object (defined in opentuner/opentuner/search/ allows the technique to make changes and examine configurations. Conceptually it is a list of parameter objects which are either primitive and have function such as set_value / get_value / legal_range or complex with a set of opaque manipulator functions that will change the underlying config.

    # start at a random position
    center = driver.get_configuration(manipulator.random())

manipulator.random() will return a random raw configuration (usually of type dict). driver.get_configuration will convert this to a opentuner.resultdb.models.Configuration database record by either inserting it into the database if it is a new configuration, or looking up an existing object if it has been queried before. After this conversion the configuration is now immutable, and has been assigned an id which will be used to lookup results for it.

    yield center

      for param in manipulator.parameters(

This will use the manipulator to iterator over the opentuner.manipulator.Parameter objects for this configuration.

        if param.is_primitive():

For this initial version we will only handle opentuner.manipulator.PrimitiveParameter objects, which are based on set_value, get_value, and legal_range functions.

          # get current value of param, scaled to be in range [0.0, 1.0]
          unit_value = param.get_unit_value(

We will use the convenience functions get_unit_value and set_unit_value which scale the parameter into a float from 0.0 to 1.0. set_unit_value will perform rounding for us if the underlying type is an integer.

          if unit_value > 0.0:
            # produce new config with param set step_size lower
            down_cfg = manipulator.copy(

We copy to get a mutable object to create our new configuration with. down_cfg is now a raw configuration, typically of type dict.

            param.set_unit_value(down_cfg, max(0.0, unit_value - step_size))

Use the parameter to mutate down_cfg to have the value of param be step_size lower.

            down_cfg = driver.get_configuration(down_cfg)
            yield down_cfg

Same as before, driver.get_configuration will convert the raw mutable configuration to a immutable opentuner.resultdb.models.Configuration database record which we can use to query for results. This then waits for results to be ready.

      #sort points by quality, best point will be points[0], worst is points[-1]

      if[0], center):
        # we found a better point, move there
        center = points[0]
        # no better point, shrink the pattern
        step_size /= 2.0

Finally we use and to decide to either move the pattern or shrink the pattern depending on if we found a better configuration.

# register our new technique in global list

This registers our technique in the global list to allow it to be selected with the --technique=BasicPatternSearch command line flag.

Running the new technique

Run the newly created technique, you need a program to tune. Some examples can be found in the opentuner/examples directory. The most simple is opentuner/examples/rosenbrock which implements a subset of the test functions described at

~/opentuner/examples/rosenbrock$ ./ --technique=BasicPatternSearch --function=sphere --display-frequency=1 --test-limit=100
[     1s]    INFO tests=17, best time=52.6332 acc=nan, found by BasicPatternSearch
[     2s]    INFO tests=42, best time=1.6837 acc=nan, found by BasicPatternSearch
[     3s]    INFO tests=67, best time=0.0049 acc=nan, found by BasicPatternSearch
[     4s]    INFO tests=92, best time=0.0000 acc=nan, found by BasicPatternSearch
[     5s]    INFO tests=101, best time=0.0000 acc=nan, found by BasicPatternSearch

The most important argument here is --technique=BasicPatternSearch which selects our newly added technique as the one to use.

Improved version

The following is a improved version of PatternSearch

from import technique

class PatternSearch(technique.SequentialSearchTechnique):
  def main_generator(self):

    objective   = self.objective
    driver      = self.driver
    manipulator = self.manipulator

    # start at a random position
    center = driver.get_configuration(manipulator.random())

    # initial step size is arbitrary
    step_size = 0.1

    while True:
      points = list()
      for param in manipulator.parameters(
        if param.is_primitive():
          # get current value of param, scaled to be in range [0.0, 1.0]
          unit_value = param.get_unit_value(

          if unit_value > 0.0:
            # produce new config with param set step_size lower
            down_cfg = manipulator.copy(
            param.set_unit_value(down_cfg, max(0.0, unit_value - step_size))
            down_cfg = driver.get_configuration(down_cfg)

          if unit_value < 1.0:
            # produce new config with param set step_size higher
            up_cfg = manipulator.copy(
            param.set_unit_value(up_cfg, min(1.0, unit_value + step_size))
            up_cfg = driver.get_configuration(up_cfg)

        else: # ComplexParameter
          for mutate_function in param.manipulators(
            cfg = manipulator.copy(
            cfg = driver.get_configuration(cfg)

      yield None # wait for all results

      #sort points by quality, best point will be points[0], worst is points[-1]

      if (, center)
          and driver.best_result.configuration != points[0]):
        # another technique found a new global best, switch to that
        center = driver.best_result.configuration
      elif[0], center):
        # we found a better point, move there
        center = points[0]
        # no better point, shrink the pattern
        step_size /= 2.0

# register our new technique in global list

There are three main changes:

Yield_nonblocking for parallelism

      yield None # wait for all results

This change allows tests to run in parallel. self.yield_nonblocking(cfg) requests that cfg be tested, but does not wait for the results. yield None waits for all prior yield_nonblocking result requests, and must be done before the configurations are compared against each other with objective.

Support ComplexParameters

        else: # ComplexParameter
          for mutate_function in param.manipulators(
            cfg = manipulator.copy(
            cfg = driver.get_configuration(cfg)

This change adds support for ComplexParamers which do not have a linear value, but instead have a set of opaque manipulator functions. We simply add one point to points for each manipulator function.

Sharing information with other techniques

      if (, center)
          and driver.best_result.configuration != points[0]):
        # another technique found a new global best, switch to that
        center = driver.best_result.configuration

Since we may want to run this technique with other techniques, this change makes use of progress made by other techniques. If another technique found a better configuration, we switch to that new global best and abandon the current position.